An adult, fictional novel. Perfect for binge-reading.

This fictional, eight-installment, serial novel represents a fantastical, mysterious journey; an ephemeral olla podrida of raw erotica, graphic violence, racism, heathenism, bigotry, and vulgarity, all buoyed by the providence of friendship, love, and kindred souls. Buy installments one at a time, or, buy all eight installments and enjoy 100 hours (or more, way more, if you are a slow and savory reader) of non-stop binge reading.

Installment I.

Beginning with the downhill roll of the stone; a dangerous stranger arrives in an odd, little, dead-end town; a young boy, skewered on a spiked fence; a meeting of kindred spirits; violence in the public square.

To be continued…

Installment II.

Fat-bottom-girls circling the Square; a live bird and a dead mom at the river’s edge; a demented puppet, crickets, and flies arrive in a slow flesh-creep; a return of a disordered dream; an encounter with a lion’s den.

To be continued…

Installment III.

A one-way with a very dead woman; providence and the absence of a miracle on the bathroom sink; a demented puppet; crickets; opening important mail, mystery guests share the shower; dirty chits, not-to-be-cashed; an important date with The Blob.

To be continued…

Installment IV.

Rolling Thunder and a very special Knucklehead; brownfields blossom in an interesting way; Button and Carol – an unlikely introduction – in the end; Chicken Teriyaki raked from under the porch; memory jags, drunken darts and a very special gun.

To be continued…

Installment V.

Depravity returns, sleeping with the enemy; a dangerous confrontation in the grape aisle; everything changes and change isn’t good; Margery learns to squat and frostbite settles in at Brookfield; a face-to-face with the puppet; behold, a pale horse.

To be continued…

Installment VI.

A fateful swing about the Scrambler; bound and gagged for a one-way south; a red dot dancing in the barn; dinosaurs on the prowl; he slipped it into the Big Crack; Hidey-Ho…on Shades-of-Death; the beginning of the end, or so it seems.

To be continued…

Installment VII.

Bad dreams, getting much worse; finally, it was starting to make sense; a lobster drop at the Hook; a surprise visit to Skeleton Island; the meeting of a knobby-kneed dream; many a secret revealed in Story Corps; a grand finale at The Log Cabin.

To be continued…

Installment VIII.

Happy birthday brother; tales of forbidden trips; a fuck-you to the voices in his head; broken rules and dire consequences; the river makes an important claim; a well-earned reconciliation; scorching the levee rim road; a pass through a seldom-seen door.

To be continued?


For those already sold on the series before even buying Installment I, buy all eight installments right now and enjoy 100 hours of non-stop binge-reading (more if you’re a slow reader) in a cool designer box. Enjoy 10% off the cost in toto, a small thank-you for your leap of faith.


2, 4, 6, 8 – I don’t want to hafta wait! Send me all eight books right now! For those already sold on the series before even buying Installment I, we proudly offer the eight tomes in aggregate, so the binge-reading can begin in earnest! Save 10% when you buy-the- bundle.


I’m hooked after reading Installment I, send me the remaining 7 books now. For those who have found Installment I a journey worth taking, we suggest investing in Installments II through VIII. If you purchase the remaining 7 installments, we’ll provide a 10% discount as a cherry-on-top thank you.


Not quite ready to take the journey? Then take a tiny slice of the entire, approximately 2,800 page, 8-volume novel series in one small bite. We consider it a way to taste the entrees before bellying up to the entire buffet and making a substantial investment in buying the series.

 Buy one at a time or save 10% when you buy the bunch.